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#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import as io
import scipy.stats as st
import scipy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
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mat = io.loadmat( "./Dog_1_interictal_segment_0001.mat" )
ndat = mat[ "interictal_segment_1" ]
l = ndat['data_length_sec'][0,0][0,0]
f = ndat['sampling_frequency'][0,0][0,0]
d = np.array( ndat.item(0)[0] )
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def prin1( d, l, f, M = 5, B = 2.5, N = 5 ) :
L = N // B
## The time by which the directions are computed
time = np.arange( 0, l + 1, B )
## The index in the original data (corrected for sampling frequency)
index = np.floor( f * time )
## A 3D array to hold the principal directions
pcv = np.empty( ( len( index ) - L, M, d.shape[0] ), dtype = np.float )
## A matrix of variances of the top M principal directions
lam = np.empty( ( len( index ) - L, M ), dtype = np.float )
## A matrix of variances of the data
var = np.empty( ( len( index ) - L, ), dtype = np.float )
for s,t,i in zip( index[:-L], index[L:], range( lam.shape[ 0 ] ) ) :
## Compute the ususal correlation coefficient: its poor stabilty under outliers
## plays to our advantage, since we do want amplified correlation in cases of
## extremely volatile events (or onslaught of such).
rho = np.corrcoef( d[:,s:t] )
# rho, _ = st.spearmanr( d[:,s:t], axis = 1 )
## Since the matrix is symmteric, ordinary EVD suffices for the PCA
e, v = la.eig( rho, right = True, check_finite = False )
## Since Numpy does not guarantee the descending order of the eigenvalues
## sort them manually
desc = np.argsort( e )[-M:][::-1]
lam[i] = e[desc]
var[i] = np.sum( e )
## Keep the eigenvectors corresponding to top eigenvalues
pcv[i] = np.transpose( v[ :, desc ] * np.sign( v[ 0, desc ] ) )
## Compute the geometric persistence of each principal direction:
## the persistence is measured by the cosine between the previous
## and the current principal direction
align = [ np.diag( pcv[:,k], pcv[:,k].T ), 1 )
for k in range( M ) ]
## Return the whole bundle: time, eigen-vales and -vectors. Also give the
## cosines and the total variance.
return time[L:], lam, pcv, align, var
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time, lam, pcv, per, var = prin1( d, l, f, M = 8, N = 20, B = 5.0 )
align1 = np.diag( pcv[:,0], pcv[:,0].T ), 1 )
align2 = np.diag( pcv[:,-1], pcv[:,-1].T ), 1 )
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import as cm
## Plot the variances of the top directions
plt.figure( figsize = (16,9))
colors = cm.rainbow( np.linspace(0, 1, lam.shape[ 1 ] ) )
for k in range( lam.shape[ 1 ] ):
plt.plot( time, lam[:,k] / var, '-', color = colors[k], linewidth = 1 )
## Compare the largest and the tinyest directions and their geometric persistence
plt.figure( figsize = (16,9))
plt.plot( time, lam[:,0], '-k' )
plt.plot( time, lam[:,-1], '-r' )
plt.plot( time[1:], per[ 0 ], '-^k' )
plt.plot( time[1:], per[ -1 ], '-^r' )
## Show the directinal uniformity factor (the more uniformly the variance is
## spread among the principle directions, the less structure in the multivariate
## data there is).
plt.figure( figsize = ( 16, 9 ) )
plt.plot( time, lam[:,0] / lam[:,-1], '-k' )
plt.figure( figsize = ( 16, 9 ) )
ax = plt.subplot( 111 )
ax.set_color_cycle( cm.rainbow( np.linspace(0, 1, d.shape[ 0 ] ) ) )
original_time = np.arange( 0, d.shape[1] ) / f
for i in range( d.shape[0] ):
ax.plot( original_time, d[i,:], '-' )
Petty attempts at applying Fourier Tranaform.
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import numpy.fft as fft
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freq = fft.fft( d[0:1], axis = 1 )
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sig = fft.ifft( np.log( np.abs( freq[ 0,: ] ) ) )
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plt.plot( np.reasig[:-1000] )
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plt.figure( figsize = ( 16, 9 ) )
plt.plot( np.log( np.abs( freq[ 0,: ] ) ) )
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